Favorite Voices: Henning May
The language doesn't matter that much. It's all about that deep, gruff, growl!
I love music discovery. There’s nothing better than finding that next new to you listen. That gem of aural awesomeness that makes the moment, if not the entire day.
However, I think I’ve gotten away from the premise of my playlists and this publication. It’s called Mallie’s Eclectic Playlist for a reason. My ever increasing and evolving main playlist is incredibly eclectic. And my narrowed focus on music discovery means I’m not sharing as much of that as I’d prefer.
Balance. It’s never easy. It’s especially hard when there’s so much new music waiting to be heard. But there are also old favorites to revisit and remember why they once meant so much to me. And there’s plenty of music I haven’t yet heard, no matter when it was originally released.
I’m Obsessed With His Voice!
I don’t spend much time on YouTube on a daily basis. I easily fall down rabbit holes and end up spending hours hopping from video to video, so I try my best to avoid the temptation.
But I’m glad I made an exception, because it led me to a love affair with Henning May’s voice.
I stumbled across the “Tom’s Diner” cover AnnenMayKantereit and Giant Rooks did absolutely by accident. And it took me on a deep dive that I continued for days, weeks, dare I say months. AnnenMayKantereit is a trio of skilled musicians. I’d like them for that. But I love this band, in all caps. LOVE. And it’s Henning May’s voice that made that happen.
It’s deep. It can be gruff and it often growls. But it can also be as clear as a bell and so heartachingly beautiful that it changes you deep inside. I’m waxing rhapsodic, I know. But this voice is something else!
Let’s Listen …
This is going to be a bit longer than my usual publish. Did I not make it clear that I’m obsessed. OBSESSED I tell you.
I’m sharing videos rather than a playlist this time around. Many of the songs that built and maintain my obsession are not available on streaming services. Or, the live versions are just that extra bit better!
WARNING: Many of the songs are sung in May’s native German. It doesn’t matter one little bit. The power, energy, and beauty remain the same.
“Tom’s Diner”
The first voice, Fred Rabe of Giant Rooks, is interesting, quirky, I’d even say delightful. But the second voice. WOW. That’s right, it’s coming out of that skinny kid.
It starts soft and sweet. It builds and builds to showcase the immense power of the voice.
Tut mir so leid, Pocahontas
I’m so sorry, Pocohontas
”I Am Easy”
AMK started out as street performers. Buskers. I think it’s pretty easy to see why they are now so famous, in their own country, and beyond.
“Barfuß Am Klavier”
Lest you think I’m only impressed with the voice, I thought I’d share a video that showcases the fact he’s a multi-instrumentalist. This is from the first AMK album, Alles Nix Konkretes, as is “Pocahontas.”
This is the first track from their second album, Schlagschatten, my favorite of the four. Once again, the whole band is fantastic, but it’s the voice that makes the song.
Marie, wo bist du
Marie, where are you?
AMK loves a good cover. As do I. This cover, performed with Milky Chance, is my favorite. Look at how much fun they’re having. And that harmonica. Right? I also love how they made this song their own.
“Ich geh heut nicht mehr tanzen”
This one is simply gorgeous. Start to finish.
“Lass es kreisen”
This one is a groove. Plain and simple. And once again you can see how much fun they have playing with eachother.
“Made Me Believe”
This is the last cover. So young, so talented. And having so much fun! And could it be any cuter that Henning never seems to know what to do with his hands when he’s not playing something?
And I round he list out with, possibly, my favorite AMK song. This one. This version showcases that voice with simple accompaniment, a single guitar.
You don’t need to understand English to feel the sadness of the song, despite the big smile when he gets a shout of encouragement.
Ich will ein Meer zwischen mir und meiner Vergang'nheit
Ein Meer zwischen mir und allem, was war
Ich will ein'n Ozean
I want a sea between me and my past
A sea between me and all, what was
I want an ocean
So, what do you think? I shared quite a few songs, originals and covers. German lyrics and English. Live and studio versions. Is my obsession well fueled? Or am I falling prey to just another pretty voice?
Great voice! If you’re into foreign language stuff, reminded me of this guy a bit. He’s not as raspy, but I find this song absolutely haunting…
Welcome to the club! Believe me, you are not the only one who loves AMK and is obsessed with Henning May’s voice. Of course, there is also a fair share of people who hate his voice, or like his voice but not his songs. But then, there are people like me - and you, obviously - who are deeply affected and delighted by this voice, his personality, and that beautiful band.
When African-American reactors on YouTube react to Henning’s voice (most often to the viral “Tom’s Diner (Cover)”, of course) they often use the word “soul” to describe this voice. What they mean is a certain emotional depth and authenticity that does not come from drinking whiskey or smoking cigarettes, but from an “old soul”.
Or, as you put it, it’s “so heartachingly beautiful that it changes you deep inside”.