So, I know I can’t share a Scottish band every Sunday. I’d run out in a few months. But today’s starter list comes after a long week and an unplanned and unintended shitty Saturday, so I’m going for a comfort listen and share with Mersault.
Mersault, Something Special AND Scottish
Mersault were another lucky find. I swapped mix CDs with a coworker back when I worked at the television station, in 2008-9. Yes, I worked on the web design and marketing team at a local television station. And ended up with a weekly segment and lots of small special segments. I never planned to be “talent.” Maybe one of these days I’ll share video from those days past. Maybe.
Back to my coworker, Jake. He made me several stellar mix CDs and “Salt (Pt. 1)” happened to be on one of them. I was hooked on the song, the singer, and the sound. But it took several years before I did a deeper dive and dig into their discography.
Neil Pennycook’s voice can certainly be described as warbling, but there’s something so wonderful, wonky, and warm about it. The mix of warm folk mixed with electronic bits and bots shouldn’t work so well, but it does, beautifully.
I could wax rhapsodic for several more paragraphs, or I could let you listen and make your own call on the marvel that is Mersault. I hope you love them as much as I do.
The Playlists
Listen with Apple Music:
Listen with Tidal:
And that’s this starter list done. I hope it starts a love for Scottish music, Mersault in particular. I’d love to know what you think.
Finally getting around to this. LOVED ❤️!!!!! Hints of Glasvegas but also completely different. Will definitely be doing a deeper dive! Thank you.
Nice. The tune "Laugh Track" stood out for me, but the band's overall sound is instantly likeable. I also liked "Lament for a Teenage Millionaire" when I clicked through to Something for the Weakened.