Way Back Wednesday: September 25, 2024
It's been a while since I looked back to compile a playlist ...
We’ve made it to another Wednesday. Midway through the workweek! That’s always cause for celebration.
I’ve gone in a different direction this week, one I didn’t anticipate at all. In fact the idea for today’s playlist came on a whim, late last night, while I was working on my new website (more on that next week).
A Way Back Playlist of …
Some of my favorite TV themes. I know. Weird. And I’m really not sure what prompted me to start compiling these.
I’m not a big TV person. I’d rather read or listen to music. In fact my poor husband is holding out streaming on several very popular shows because he wants me to watch them with him. He got me on board to watch What We Do In The Shadows, because I loved the movie (and I love the show even more), but that’s the only new show I’ve streamed since Ted Lasso.
I prefer to re-watch something I’ve previously loved. It’s part nostalgia, part the need to be able to pay less attention to the plot, because I already know what’s going to happen. I like to pop in and out of the room while watching TV – generally to work on an art project or feed a pet – and re-watching works better for me.
Nostalgia At Work
Many of these TV themes bring up fond memories.
My little sister was obsessed with Wonder Woman (I remember her proudly marking in her costume during her kindergarten Halloween parade).
My big brother was our main babysitter, even though my two elder sisters are actually older than him. He would only allow us to watch the Muppets, Little House On The Prairie, or Donny & Marie when he was sitting with us. Not sure why, but it brings back fond memories.
I adored Laverne & Shirley when I was younger. I wanted to be them, to live their life. I can’t say I’ve done that desire justice as an adult, but the memories remain.
Derek, my husband, often discuss the TV shows we watched as children, swapping stories and memories. It’s one of the things that bonded us when we first started dating.
All this to say, there’s a memory behind every song on this list.
The Playlist
Listen with Apple Music
Missing Parks & Rec and Wonder Woman theme songs
This trip in the Way Back machine went a little rogue. But I hope it prompts some fun family memories for you, too. What are some of your favorite TV themes? Did any of them show up on my list?
NOTE: I didn’t share any themes from shows currently “on air.” If I had, I definitely would have included the What We Do In The Shadows and Bob’s Burgers themes.
Awesome additions. It was really hard to keep this to 25 selections. There was a lot of adding, removing, and shuffling!
This was fun.
Three more that I would add:
1) The Rockford Files
2) Sanford & Son
3) The Electric Company
The 70s were the golden age of TV themes IMHO.
One that I'm glad you left out: Friends.
The All In The Family theme and Free To Be You and Me make for such an interesting juxtaposition. 50+ years later our society is still having these same arguments about free expression, gender identity, and such.