What's New (To Me) Wednesday
A small selection of the tracks I'm hearing on repeat: June 5, 2024
Good morning. Been over a week since my last publish. I spent my week of staycation relaxing and reflecting. And listening to a LOT of music. HOORAY.
What reflections, you might ask? I’ve found myself stuck in a rut of my own making. Spending too much time on a job I love, for a company that I don’t. I’m working, or worrying about work, when I should be enjoying other pursuits, like my music passion projects, and my mixed media art.
I’ve also felt like my posts here have become a bit “by rote.” And I don’t want that. I want to be excited to write and share and hope that translates to you finding new listens and long-forgotten listens to get excited about!
With getting out of a rut in mind, I’m going to try to break away from the same post each week schedule I’ve fallen into. Rather, I’d like to share more of what’s making me repeat listen, what’s causing me to dive down a listening rabbit hole, etc.
This doesn’t mean the alliterative posts are going away for good. I’ll still share Two For Tuesday, Threepeat Thursday, and and Wayback Wednesday/Flashback Friday reads. But I’ll spread them out, with other kinds of shares, keeping me from feeling too rigid and structured.
What’s New (To Me) This Week
My release radar was on fire last Friday. New music from Wrest, The Menzingers, Gaffa Tape Sandy, HAFFWAY, and so much more. These songs were all added to my ever-growing Liked Songs playlist, and they were on repeat listen over the weekend!
Listen with Apple Music:
Listen with Tidal:
Any of these getting you excited about some repeat listens? You know I love to hear which tracks and artists, if any, stand out to you. Chime in with a comment and let me know what made your ears happy!
These are great recommendations, cool to have stumbled across this. All new artists to me but so far I like it all! Thanks for compiling, there’s so much good music out there but not many people sharing it like this.
"Spending too much time on a job I love, for a company that I don’t."
Felt every letter of that! Hope the staycation was great, and it's good to see you back on here! Mixing things up and trying things always makes for a better experience.
Killer playlist, and for once I know more than 1-2 artists. :)